* swmenupro v3.0
* http://swonline.biz
* Copyright 2004 Sean White
//error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
global $database, $my, $Itemid, $mosConfig_offset;
global $mosConfig_shownoauth, $mosConfig_dbprefix;
$menu = @$params->menutype ? strval( $params->menutype ) : $params->get( 'menutype' );
$menu = @$menu ? $menu: "mainmenu";
$id = @$params->moduleID ? intval( $params->moduleID ) : $params->get( 'moduleID' );
$id = @$id ? $id : 0;
$menustyle = @$params->menustyle ? strval( $params->menustyle ) : $params->get( 'menustyle' );
$menustyle = @$menustyle ? $menustyle : "popoutmenu";
$parent_level = @$params->get('parent_level') ? intval( $params->get('parent_level') ) : 0;
$levels = @$params->get('levels') ? intval( $params->get('levels') ) : 25;
$parent_id = @$params->get('parentid') ? intval( $params->get('parentid') ) : 0;
$active_menu = @$params->get('active_menu') ? intval( $params->get('active_menu') ) : 0;
$hybrid = @$params->get('hybrid') ? intval( $params->get('hybrid') ) : 0;
$use_tables = @$params->get('onload_hack') ? intval( $params->get('onload_hack') ) : 0;
$editor_hack = @$params->get('editor_hack') ? intval( $params->get('editor_hack') ) : 0;
$sub_indicator = @$params->get('sub_indicator') ? intval( $params->get('sub_indicator') ) : 0;
//$use_default_parent = @$params->get('usecontent') ? strval( $params->get('usecontent') ) : 0;
$my_task = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', 0 ) );
if(($my_task!="edit" || $my_task!="new") && $editor_hack) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__swmenu_config WHERE id = ".$id;
$database->setQuery( $query );
$new_data = $database->query();
$swmenupro= mysql_fetch_assoc($new_data);
if($menu && $id && $menustyle){
global $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_mbf_content;
$now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$mosConfig_offset*60*60 );
if ($mosConfig_shownoauth==2) {
$sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__menu.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
WHERE #__menu.menutype = ".$menu."
AND published = 1
ORDER BY parent, ordering
} else {
if ($menu=="swcontentmenu"){
$sql = "SELECT #__sections.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__sections LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__sections.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.sectionid = #__sections.id
AND #__sections.published = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'section', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=" . $result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => 0 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__categories.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__categories.id+1000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__categories.published = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'category', $mosConfig_lang);
//$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->section , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->catid+1000 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__menu.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
WHERE #__menu.menutype = '".$menu."' AND published = '1'
AND access <= '$my->gid'
ORDER BY parent, ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'menu', $mosConfig_lang);
switch ($result2->type) {
case 'separator';
//$result2->link = "seperator";
case 'url':
if (eregi( "index.php\?", $result2->link )) {
if (!eregi( "Itemid=", $result2->link )) {
$result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id";
$result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id";
//$result2->link = str_replace( '&', '&', $result2->link );
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->name, "URL" => $result2->link , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => $result2->parent , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => $result2->browserNav );
if ($hybrid){
parse_str($result2->link, $opt);
$opt['task'] = @$opt['task'] ? $opt['task']: 0;
$opt['id'] = @$opt['id'] ? $opt['id']: 0;
if ($opt['task']=="blogcategory" || $opt['task']=="category" ) {
//$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$opt['id'];
$sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.catid=".$opt['id']."
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result3 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result3 as $result4) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result4->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $result4->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result4->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result4->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result4->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result4->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result4->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
if ($opt['task']=="blogsection" || $opt['task']=="section" ) {
//$sql = "SELECT #__categories.* FROM #__categories WHERE #__categories.section=".$opt['id']." AND #__categories.published = 1";
$sql = "SELECT #__categories.*, #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__categories.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__categories.section=".$opt['id']."
AND #__categories.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND #__categories.published = 1
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__categories.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result3 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result3 as $result4) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
// $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result4->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $result4->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result4->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result4->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result4->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result4->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result4->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
//$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$result4->id." AND #__content.state = 1";
$sql = "SELECT #__content.*, #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+100000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.catid=".$result4->id."
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result5 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result5 as $result6) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result6 = MambelFish::translate( $result6, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result6->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result6->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result6->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result4->id+1000 , "ORDER" => $result6->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result6->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result6->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result6->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result6->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result6->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
if (count($swmenupro_array)){
foreach ($swmenupro_array as $row){
if (strcasecmp(substr($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'],0,4),"http")) {
$swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = sefRelToAbs($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL']);
// $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = str_replace( '&', '&', $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] );
if (($row['PARENT']==$parent_id )){
if ($menudisplay==1){
$ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $swmenupro_array, $parent_id, $levels);
$ordered = array();
$option2 = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option', 0 ) );
$id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) );
$Item_id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0 ) );
if ($parent_level){
$reordered = array();
if (($menu=="swcontentmenu") && ($option2=="com_content") && $id){
}elseif ($menu=="swcontentmenu" ){
//echo "parent ".$parent_value;
while ($parent){
foreach ($ordered as $row){
if (($row['ID']==$parent_value || $row['ID']==$parent_value+1000 || $row['ID']==$parent_value+10000)){
$parent_value = $row['PARENT'];
$indent = $row['indent'];
if ($indent == $parent_level){
}elseif($indent == $parent_level-1){
}elseif($indent < $parent_level-1){
if ($parent_level==2 ){
$id = $id;
if ($i > $levels){$parent=0;}
foreach ($ordered as $row){
if (($row['PARENT']==$id)){
if (($row['PARENT']==$id-1000)){
if ($menudisplay ){
$ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $ordered, $id, $levels);
if ($menustyle == "clickmenu"){doClickMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "treemenu"){doTreeMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "popoutmenu"){doPopoutMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "gosumenu" && !$editor_hack){doGosuMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu);}
if ($menustyle == "transmenu"){doTransMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu, $sub_indicator, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "tabmenu"){doTabMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "flatmenu"){doFlatMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "clickmenu"){doClickMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "treemenu"){doTreeMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "popoutmenu"){doPopoutMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "gosumenu" && !$editor_hack){doGosuMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu);}
if ($menustyle == "transmenu"){doTransMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu, $sub_indicator, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "tabmenu"){doTabMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "flatmenu"){doFlatMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
* swmenupro v3.0
* http://swonline.biz
* Copyright 2004 Sean White
//error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
global $database, $my, $Itemid, $mosConfig_offset;
global $mosConfig_shownoauth, $mosConfig_dbprefix;
$menu = @$params->menutype ? strval( $params->menutype ) : $params->get( 'menutype' );
$menu = @$menu ? $menu: "mainmenu";
$id = @$params->moduleID ? intval( $params->moduleID ) : $params->get( 'moduleID' );
$id = @$id ? $id : 0;
$menustyle = @$params->menustyle ? strval( $params->menustyle ) : $params->get( 'menustyle' );
$menustyle = @$menustyle ? $menustyle : "popoutmenu";
$parent_level = @$params->get('parent_level') ? intval( $params->get('parent_level') ) : 0;
$levels = @$params->get('levels') ? intval( $params->get('levels') ) : 25;
$parent_id = @$params->get('parentid') ? intval( $params->get('parentid') ) : 0;
$active_menu = @$params->get('active_menu') ? intval( $params->get('active_menu') ) : 0;
$hybrid = @$params->get('hybrid') ? intval( $params->get('hybrid') ) : 0;
$use_tables = @$params->get('onload_hack') ? intval( $params->get('onload_hack') ) : 0;
$editor_hack = @$params->get('editor_hack') ? intval( $params->get('editor_hack') ) : 0;
$sub_indicator = @$params->get('sub_indicator') ? intval( $params->get('sub_indicator') ) : 0;
//$use_default_parent = @$params->get('usecontent') ? strval( $params->get('usecontent') ) : 0;
$my_task = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', 0 ) );
if(($my_task!="edit" || $my_task!="new") && $editor_hack) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__swmenu_config WHERE id = ".$id;
$database->setQuery( $query );
$new_data = $database->query();
$swmenupro= mysql_fetch_assoc($new_data);
if($menu && $id && $menustyle){
global $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_mbf_content;
$now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$mosConfig_offset*60*60 );
if ($mosConfig_shownoauth==2) {
$sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__menu.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
WHERE #__menu.menutype = ".$menu."
AND published = 1
ORDER BY parent, ordering
} else {
if ($menu=="swcontentmenu"){
$sql = "SELECT #__sections.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__sections LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__sections.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.sectionid = #__sections.id
AND #__sections.published = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'section', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=" . $result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => 0 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__categories.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__categories.id+1000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__categories.published = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'category', $mosConfig_lang);
//$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+1000 , "PARENT" => $result2->section , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result2->id ;
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+10000 , "PARENT" => $result2->catid+1000 , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => 0 );
$sql = "SELECT #__menu.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__menu LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON #__menu.id = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
WHERE #__menu.menutype = '".$menu."' AND published = '1'
AND access <= '$my->gid'
ORDER BY parent, ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result as $result2) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result2 = MambelFish::translate( $result2, 'menu', $mosConfig_lang);
switch ($result2->type) {
case 'separator';
//$result2->link = "seperator";
case 'url':
if (eregi( "index.php\?", $result2->link )) {
if (!eregi( "Itemid=", $result2->link )) {
$result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id";
$result2->link .= "&Itemid=$result2->id";
//$result2->link = str_replace( '&', '&', $result2->link );
$swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->name, "URL" => $result2->link , "ID" => $result2->id , "PARENT" => $result2->parent , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "IMAGE" => $result2->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $result2->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $result2->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $result2->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $result2->target_level, "TARGET" => $result2->browserNav );
if ($hybrid){
parse_str($result2->link, $opt);
$opt['task'] = @$opt['task'] ? $opt['task']: 0;
$opt['id'] = @$opt['id'] ? $opt['id']: 0;
if ($opt['task']=="blogcategory" || $opt['task']=="category" ) {
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$sql = "SELECT #__content.* , #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.catid=".$opt['id']."
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result3 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result3 as $result4) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
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if ($opt['task']=="blogsection" || $opt['task']=="section" ) {
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$sql = "SELECT #__categories.*, #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__categories LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__categories.id+10000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__content ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__categories.section=".$opt['id']."
AND #__categories.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND #__categories.published = 1
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__categories.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result3 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result3 as $result4) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result4 = MambelFish::translate( $result4, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ;
// $url="index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=" . $result4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id;
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//$sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content WHERE #__content.catid=".$result4->id." AND #__content.state = 1";
$sql = "SELECT #__content.*, #__swmenu_extended.*
FROM #__content LEFT JOIN #__swmenu_extended ON (#__content.id+100000) = #__swmenu_extended.menu_id
AND (#__swmenu_extended.moduleID = '".$id."' OR #__swmenu_extended.moduleID IS NULL)
INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = #__categories.id
AND #__content.state = 1
AND #__content.catid=".$result4->id."
AND #__content.access <= ".$my->gid."
AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' )
AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' )
ORDER BY #__content.ordering
$database->setQuery( $sql );
$result5 = $database->loadObjectList();
foreach ($result5 as $result6) {
if ($mosConfig_mbf_content) {
$result6 = MambelFish::translate( $result6, 'content', $mosConfig_lang);
$url="index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=" . $result6->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id;
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if (strcasecmp(substr($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'],0,4),"http")) {
$swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = sefRelToAbs($swmenupro_array[$i]['URL']);
// $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] = str_replace( '&', '&', $swmenupro_array[$i]['URL'] );
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if ($menudisplay==1){
$ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $swmenupro_array, $parent_id, $levels);
$ordered = array();
$option2 = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option', 0 ) );
$id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) );
$Item_id = trim( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0 ) );
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//echo "parent ".$parent_value;
while ($parent){
foreach ($ordered as $row){
if (($row['ID']==$parent_value || $row['ID']==$parent_value+1000 || $row['ID']==$parent_value+10000)){
$parent_value = $row['PARENT'];
$indent = $row['indent'];
if ($indent == $parent_level){
}elseif($indent == $parent_level-1){
}elseif($indent < $parent_level-1){
if ($parent_level==2 ){
$id = $id;
if ($i > $levels){$parent=0;}
foreach ($ordered as $row){
if (($row['PARENT']==$id)){
if (($row['PARENT']==$id-1000)){
if ($menudisplay ){
$ordered = chain('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $ordered, $id, $levels);
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if ($menustyle == "clickmenu"){doClickMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "treemenu"){doTreeMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "popoutmenu"){doPopoutMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
if ($menustyle == "gosumenu" && !$editor_hack){doGosuMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu);}
if ($menustyle == "transmenu"){doTransMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $active_menu, $sub_indicator, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "tabmenu"){doTabMenu($ordered, $swmenupro, $parent_id);}
if ($menustyle == "flatmenu"){doFlatMenu($ordered, $swmenupro);}
Guestbook | | There are 42 entries in the guestbook. Pages: « 1 2 3 » |
joe naylor from b.c | Signed on: Tue 28 Feb 2006 09:03:08 PM EST Those dawgs should be kept on a short leash and another season. | | | Dr Andrew Shannon from Vancouver BC | Signed on: Wed 22 Feb 2006 11:43:28 AM EST Your show brings out the memories of the adrenaline rush you get from doing all the various gags.My favorites are canon rolls,free falls and fire gags.I hope to see more.Your show rocks!!!! Please continue to bring us more exciting gags. I have to say I once attended Kim Kahana's stunt school in LA before becoming a Cosmetic dentist here in Vancouver where I treat alot of peolple in the movie industry. PS if you ever need my help give me a call.I am listed | | | Roy from Toronto | Signed on: Mon 13 Feb 2006 12:53:24 PM EST Unfreakin' Believable!! The "piperamp" thing wwas the coolest show I've ever seen. You guys rock!! Keep em coming!! I'm hooked!! DAWGZ Rule!! | | | Matthew from Vancouver | Signed on: Sat 04 Feb 2006 05:27:15 PM EST Just wanted to say. I'm an aspiring actor/stuntman and I love your show. Wish I could tag along and just watch, apparently its the best way to learn. :-) Keep it up. | | | Sovaka from Australia | Signed on: Wed 01 Feb 2006 07:25:37 AM EST All I can say is WOW! Awesome show guys, I hope you keep at it. I will definitely be following you dawgs | | | Peter from Port Coquitlam | Signed on: Wed 25 Jan 2006 12:30:41 AM EST Great show! The terminator motorcycle jump wouldent have happened to be filmed at the Quarry at the end of Quarry road in Port Coquitlam would it? | | | Fred Wicks from Nanaimo | Signed on: Wed 18 Jan 2006 12:10:13 AM EST What a great web site Peter, I'll pass the word out to our old school dawgs over here on the island to check out your new show. Bro Danow told me, looking forward to the next episode...cheers from one of the class of 75 dawgs.. | | | DAVE FRITZ from EDMONTON | Signed on: Mon 16 Jan 2006 07:05:09 PM EST LOOKS GOOD PETE, GOOD LUCK TO YOU ! | | | Dale Floyd from Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Signed on: Sun 15 Jan 2006 04:30:27 AM EST Congratulations Big Dawg! I am proud to have been part of the team. Looking forward to season two. | | | Rick from Parksville | Signed on: Sat 14 Jan 2006 01:54:56 PM EST The 1st episode was great! Looking forward to viewing the rest. We'll be tuned in & watching... | | | Jay-man from VI | Signed on: Sat 14 Jan 2006 01:48:24 PM EST Spent the money, got the channel and will be following closely over the next 12 weeks.....ps the Granny character has spinoff potential | | | Mike & Marie from Abbotsford, BC | Signed on: Sat 14 Jan 2006 01:47:05 PM EST Well done stuntdawgs, stunt puppies and Omni dawgs. We just watched the first episode. The hard work really paid off. We're telling everyone to tune in. It was fun being part of it and meeting everyone. Great website, we look forward to tuning in for the next 12 weeks, cheers, | | | Darrell from Vancouver, BC Canada | Signed on: Fri 06 Jan 2006 09:42:00 PM EST GREAT STUFF!!! Well done Peter. Love the Dawg Looking forward to season one To Infinity and Beyond | | | Kela from Parksville, BC | Signed on: Mon 02 Jan 2006 11:18:00 PM EST I really like the website peter. its super. hope to see more videos though. p.s. if your wondering who i am... just ask Bill Helin | | | Ron Dykstra from Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Signed on: Sun 11 Dec 2005 06:47:00 PM EST Thanks for the interview, Alhpa Dawg. You are so the real thing that it scares me. I appreciate your candour and willingess to share your experience. Ron | | | Bobby from Canada | Signed on: Thu 20 Oct 2005 12:43:00 AM EDT The greatest movies of today and yesterday are what they are because of great scripts,a well-known director,a knock out cast, incredible stunts and a green screen, and not forget $$$ and a locations person named Tommy. After taking a few to many safety meetings and a ring side seat to how stunts and special effects are done in movies can give one a whole new found respect for people who bring smoke and mirrors to work. Working along side one of Hollywood's best stuntmen in a documentary about stuntmen allowed me to see how serious this trade can be. It can be fun and very exciting at times,when things go right, and it can sometimes give you bit of a scare after it all goes wrong. So learn how the stunts of Famous movies came to be? and the real life results caught on tape of a stunt crew trying to re-create them. watch: Stuntdawgs season 1. Many special thanks out to Peter Kent and everyone in every department who came out to play, And also to the flaming man who helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for all the fun. congrats to season 1 | | | Paul from richmond | Signed on: Mon 04 Jul 2005 06:38:54 AM EDT had a great time at the bike jump (gag) all the staff from peter to the meal wagon we're super friendly and generaly a great bunch of people. good luck in the future and I hope your show is a raging success. Keep up the good work! Admin's Comment: ALPHADAWG: Glad you liked it! Just wait until January!! | | | Christa Graf from München, Germany | Signed on: Thu 30 Jun 2005 06:19:54 PM EDT I think of the good time we had together in Munich at PRO 7 TV and the great time doing the shooting together in L.A. I would love making another film with you. But now, I wish you good luck and success on this project. Love, Christa from Munich | | | LinX from Madrid, Spain | Signed on: Sun 29 May 2005 02:58:54 AM EDT What up Dawg! It´s about time sombody told your story! Hope to see more! Blessed Linx The Black Dawg | | | Danial Donai from Los Angeles | Signed on: Sat 28 May 2005 08:23:54 PM EDT I am confused what you are all doing??? Admin's Comment: ALPHADAWG says - You're confused? Have you seen the DAWG faces?? | | |
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